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Communicating the Science of Fisheries Conservation

Written by Biomeme Staff | Aug 17, 2018 2:17:45 PM

The 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society is expecting an attendance of over 2,000 fisheries and aquaculture scientists; federal, tribal, state, and local administrators, directors, and elected officials; educators; consultants; and marine and freshwater fishing industries. This year it’s taking place in Atlantic City, NJ from August 19th - 23rd. Find us on the trade show floor at the Smith-Root booth (#200, 201, 254) for a chat and a demonstration of Biomeme’s technology paired with Smith-Root’s aquatic eDNA sampling system, the ANDe™.

Event: 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society – Communicating the Science of Fisheries Conservation to Diverse Audiences
Organization: Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Date: August 19-23, 2018
Location: Atlantic City, NJ
Booth: 200, 201, 254 (with Smith-Root Inc.)

Meeting sessions, events, and the trade show will take place at the Atlantic City Convention Center. Trade show exhibitors will include federal and state fisheries agencies and companies providing boats, aquaculture supplies, fish tagging and tracking equipment, computer and software applications, consultant services, digital fish-measuring equipment, water quality monitoring and filtration systems, aeration systems, hydroacoustic systems, and others related to fisheries research and management.

Are you attending the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society? If so, let’s meet up so we can learn more about your business and see if our products & services are a good fit. Please contact biomeme@biomeme.com to schedule a one-on-one meeting.

Biomeme has a wide range of assays available for aquatic ecology like: Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Go-Strips, Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Go-Strips, and Silver Shiner (Notropis photogenis) Go-Strips to name a few. If we don't have an assay currently developed for the Biomeme platform that you're interested, join our developer program!

Are you interested in the Biomeme platform for your use case? Check out our end-to-end real-time PCR platform here