Updated Information on Our Global Health Efforts | Biomeme

Biomeme in the Antarctic

Written by Biomeme Staff | Nov 30, 2016 3:34:14 PM

Our partner at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Dr. Peter Countway, is deploying Biomeme’s portable, real-time PCR technology in Antarctica on Anvers Island. Peter is the recipient of an award through the National Science Foundation to learn more about microbial diversity and biogenic sulfur cycling in the region. The average temperature on Anvers Island is 36° F in the summer and 14° F in the winter.

View from Palmer Station on Anvers Island in the Antarctic, where Dr. Countway will be doing his research work.

Peter and his team will be using our portable, field-ready thermocycler to study sulfur metabolism genes from microbes found in sea water, which can heavily impact cloud formation and climate. His work aims to better understand microbial diversity and biogeochemical networks in the Southern Ocean. Check out a live feed of his work from Palmer Station here . If you look hard enough, you may be able to see Biomeme’s portable thermocycler on ice!

The Biomeme platform makes real-time PCR fast, easy, portable, and offers you the same gold-standard performance that you would expect in the lab so you can take the lab to the sample. Our end-to-end platform includes sample purification, lyophilized tests, mobile qPCR thermocyclers, a mobile app, a cloud portal, and custom API. If you want to work with Biomeme, but your test isn't currently available, we will work with you to develop your assay for Biomeme Go-Strips. To learn how you can partner with Biomeme, visit our Developer Program page here.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is an independent, not-for-profit research institution. Its research ranges from the biology and ecology of marine microbes to large-scale ocean processes that affect the global environment. Learn more at www.bigelow.org , and join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter .